Friday 1/20/23

CrossFit 7x7
January 19, 2023
Friday 1/20/23

A) Every 4 minutes for 12 minutes complete:

5 tempo strict toes to bar (3  seconds up, 3 seconds down)*

30 second hollow hold

40 second elbow plank hold

15-20 V-ups

*Scale to tempo knees to chest

B) Macho Man Warm-up

Every 90 seconds for 4 rounds:

2 power cleans - 2 front squats - 2 push jerks

*Build to working weight by end of 4 rounds

C) “Macho Man”

EMOM for as long as possible

3 power cleans - 3 front squats - 3 push jerks

Rx: 185/135lb

*20 minute time cap

Modify to: 155/105lb, 135/95lb, 115/75lb, 95/65lb

*Once you can no longer complete all 9 reps in the minute, your workout is over. Longest you can go for is 20 minutes. 

*If you don’t make it to at least minute 10, drop the weight, rest 2 minutes and then jump back in again and go until you get out again or until the time cap.

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