Friday 12/16/22

CrossFit 7x7
December 15, 2022
Friday 12/16/22

“The 12 Days of Christmas”

1 wall walk

2 strict pull-ups

3 burpee box jumps (24/20”)

4 thrusters

5 hang power cleans

6 front rack lunges

7 deadlifts

8 toes to bar

9 hand release push-ups

10 wallballs (20/14lb)

11 american kb swings (53/35lb)

12 alt. db snatches (50/35lb)

*38 minute time cap

*Coaches decision for 4-7 complex

*Barbell Rx: 95/65lb Rx+ 115-135lb/75-95lb or double db: 50/35lb dbs, or modify to 35/25lbs

*Perform this workout like the song. So 1 wall walk-2 pullups-1 wall walk-3 bbj-2 pullups-1 wall walk-4 thrusters-3 bbj-2 pullups-1 wall walk, etc etc until you finish with 12 snatches back down to 1 wall walk.

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