Friday 5/26/23

CrossFit 7x7
May 26, 2023
Friday 5/26/23

A) 12 minute alt gymnastics EMOM:

1) 8-15 kipping toes to bar

2) 30 second hollow hold

3) 5 pike pushups or 5 strict HSPU + 5 heavy db seated press

B) Age Group Semifinals WOD 3 (45-54 age division)

5 rounds of 2 minutes on 1 minute off for max reps:

7 deadlifts (155/105lb)

5 power cleans


*Start back at the beginning of the round on each new 2 minute interval

**Recommendations: 4-3 deadlifts, power cleans in quick singles, unbroken push jerks

***Modification: 135/95lb (55+ age division) Rx+ : 185/135lb (35-44 age division)

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