Friday 7/28/23

CrossFit 7x7
July 28, 2023
Friday 7/28/23

A) Abssss - 3 rounds for quality:

20 secs hollow hold

20 secs hollow rocks

20 secs rest

20 secs R side plank

20 secs R side plank hip raises

20 secs rest

20 secs plank on hands

20 secs kb plank drag throughs

20 secs rest

20 secs L side plank

20 secs L side plank hip raises

20 secs rest

 *Approx 12 minutes. 35 intervals of :20

B) ‘Copa Sur Semifinal WOD 2022’

For time:


chest to bar pull-up

alt. db squat snatch (50/35lb)

*Modifications: Db power snatch, kipping chin over bar pull-ups or jumping chest to bar pull-ups

**16 minute time cap

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