Monday 3/6/23

CrossFit 7x7
March 7, 2023
Monday 3/6/23

A) 12 minute alt. gymnastics EMOM:

1) 20 second bottom of ring dip hold *Sub bottom of push-up hold with chest only touching ground

2) 5 pausing strict pullups (1 sec pause with chin over bar)

3) 4-8 strict HSPU *Modify to plate riser or box or pike pushups

*Rx+: 5 pausing strict pullups + 5 kipping/butterfly pull-ups

B) 3 rounds for time:

Run 400m

15 overhead squats (95/65lb)

12 double db box step overs (50lb/35lb to 24/20” box)

9 burpees

*18 minute time cap

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