Monday 6/5/23

CrossFit 7x7
June 6, 2023
Monday 6/5/23

A) Every 90 seconds for 10 rounds:

Rounds 1-3: 3 touch and go power snatches

Rounds: 4-6: 2 touch and go power snatches

Rounds 7-10: 1 power snatch

*As reps decrease, build in weight as form allows

B) For total time:

50 double unders

8 unbroken power snatches (95/65lb)

25/20 cal row

12 unbroken push jerks

50 double unders

Rest 3 minutes.

*14 minute time cap

**Rx+: 10 unbroken power snatches and 15 unbroken push jerks

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