Saturday 10/1/22

CrossFit 7x7
September 30, 2022
Saturday 10/1/22

Partner WOD

For time with a partner complete: 


400m run together

Then 4 rounds each I-go-you-go style (8 total):

4 bar MU (Modify to 4 chest to bar pullups or 4 strict pullups)

8 alt. single arm devils press (50/35lb)

16 air squats 

400m run together

Then 4 rounds each I-go-you-go style (8 total):

2 wall walks 

8 alt. db snatches 

16 goblet reverse lunges 

400m run together

*One partner must complete an entire round of the triplet before the next partner goes

*40 minute time cap

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