Saturday 11/12/22

CrossFit 7x7
November 11, 2022
Saturday 11/12/22

Geoff’s B-Day Partner WOD!

Born on 11/12/81

With a partner complete:

41 synchronized bar facing burpees

41 synchronized air squats

41 synchronized abmat sit-ups

Then 11 rounds Leap Frog Style of:

12 wallballs (20/14lb)

8 power clean and jerks  (115/75lb)

100m run w/wallball

Buy out:

41 synchronized abmat sit-ups

41 synchronized air squats

41 synchronized bar facing burpees

*41 minute time cap

*For the 11 rounds, Partner A will complete wallballs, then partner B will complete 8 C+J, then Partner A will complete 100m wallball run, then B will do wallballs, etc etc. Switching off movements until 11 total rounds are completed.

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