Saturday 4/15/23

CrossFit 7x7
April 16, 2023
Saturday 4/15/23

Partner WOD

4 rounds each (8 total) I-go-you-go style:

20 wallballs (20/14lb) + Run 100m with wallball

Then 50 burpee box jump overs (one person works at a time, split up as desired)

Then 4 rounds each (8 total) I-go-you-go style:

5 strict pull-ups

10 double db box step overs (35/25lb dbs to 24/20”) Rx+ (50/35lbs)

5 kipping pull-ups

Then 50 burpees over partner in elbow plank

Then run 400m with partner

*40 minute time cap

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