Partner WOD
Run 400m together
Then 2 rounds of:
20 air squats each
10 db devils press each (2x50/35lb)
20 box jumps each (24/20”)
Then Run 200m together
Then 2 rounds of:
16 air squats each
8 devils press each
16 box jumps each
Then Run 200m together
Then 2 rounds of:
12 air squats each
6 devils press each
12 box jumps each
Then run 400m together together
*40 minute time cap
**Modifications: 35/25lb dbs, step ups
***Partners run together. Then partner A will complete 20 air squats while B rests. Then partner B will complete 20 air squats. Then A will do 10 devils press, then B will do 10 devils press. After they each complete 20 box jumps, they will have completed one round and will start on their second round.