Partner WOD
400m run together
Then 40/30 cal row each
*Other partner holds db in goblet position in order for row cals to count
200 double unders (split up as desired)
Then 25/20 cal row each
*Other partner holds elbow plank position in order for row cals to count
150 alt. db snatches (50/35lb) (split up as desired)
Then 20/15 cal row each
*Other partner holds wall-sit in order for row cals to count
100 kipping toes to bar (split up as desired)
Then 15/12 cal row each
*Other partner hangs from pull-up bar in order for cals to count
**Note that each partner must complete the row cals. The partner not rowing must be performing the corresponding static hold. If they come out of the static hold, the person on the rower must stop rowing until they get back into position.
***40 minute time cap