Saturday 9/24/22

CrossFit 7x7
September 23, 2022
Saturday 9/24/22

Partner WOD

For time:

200m db farmers carry (2x50/35lb) (*Switch off every 50m)

60 db burpee deadlifts

200m run together

60 box jump overs (24/20")

200m run together

60 toes to bar

200m run together

60 goblet squats

200m run together

60 lateral hops over partner in elbow plank

200m farmers carry (*Switch off every 50m)

*30 minute time cap

*Partners run together. For 60 rep movements, one person works while the other person rests until total reps are completed. For farmers carry, one partner holds both dbs for 50m and then hands them off to partner.

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