Thursday 2/16/23

CrossFit 7x7
February 16, 2023
Thursday 2/16/23

A) 3 rounds for quality:

20 supine windshield wipers

1 minute weighted elbow plank

20 banded bicep curls

20 banded tricep extensions (hang band from pull-up bar)

B)  Every 5 minutes for 30 minutes alternate between (2 rounds through each):

1) 100m db suitcase carry (50+/35+) + row @70-75% in remaining time

2) 3 rounds of: 8 hand release pushups & 12 russian kb swings (53/35lb) + assault bike/bike erg/ski erg/row @70-75% in remaining time

3) Run 800m @ 70-75% effort (reduce run to 600m if can’t easily run it in under 5 minutes)

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