A) Every 2:30 for 4 rounds:
4 reset deadlifts
7-12 bar/ring dips
*Start 1st set at 315/205lb, 275/185lb or 225/155lb and then ascend in weight each round as form allows
B) Every 2:00 for 4 rounds:
12-14 farmers carry db lunges (50/35lb)
12-14 alt. gorilla rows
C) 3 rounds for quality:
5 strict toes to bar
10 kipping toes to bar
15 db weighted abmat situps (hug db at chest)
30 second plank hold
Rest 90 seconds
*12 minute time cap
Reduce rep scheme to 4-8-12
5 strict leg raises + 10 kipping heels above hips or 10 V-ups