Tuesday 2/21/23

CrossFit 7x7
February 23, 2023
Tuesday 2/21/23

A) Every 5 minutes for 4 rounds complete for quality:

5 touch and go power clean and jerks (building in weight each round as form allows)

10 db Arnold press (2x35-50lb/2x25-35lb)

5/side db tempo Bulgarian split squat (hold only one of your dbs or both dbs, athletes choice)

5 strict tempo toes to bar

*3 second eccentrics on tempo movements

B) 10 minute alt. EMOM:

1) 1 squat clean and jerk

2) 35-50 double unders or 30 seconds practice

*Suggestion: start at 135/95lb, 155/105lb or 185/135lb and build from there

*Athlete can choose between push jerk or split jerk for EMOM

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