Wednesday 3/1/23

CrossFit 7x7
February 28, 2023
Wednesday 3/1/23

A) Find a heavy 5 back squat (last week of 5’s)

Then drop to 70% of heavy 5 and do 2 max sets aiming for 10-14 reps

*25 minute time cap

*To progress from last week, either try to go slightly heavier on the set of 5, or if you do the same weight, try to do 1-2 more reps on each back off set compared to last week

B)  Every 4 minutes for 16 minutes complete:

30/22 cal row

45 double unders

15 American kb swings (53/35lb) (Rx+: heavier kb, must stay unbroken)

*If not finishing by 3:00 minutes, reduce row cals to 26/18 or as needed. Reduce double under reps if those are taking more than 35 seconds.

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