Nero Wan

Nero Wan

Coach & Nutrition Coach


- CrossFit L1

- USA Weightlifting L1

- Precision Nutrition L1

About Coach

I started my journey with functional training/CrossFit in 2017 in Hong Kong, a place known for being in a perpetual state of stress and hurry; the quick, intense WODs only felt natural amidst a busy schedule. I initially joined to improve my capacities in martial arts, tennis, and swimming, and as I got more into Olympic Lifting, I found that weight and strength conditioning held benefits far beyond the day-to-day health routines. I continued to CrossFit (was even hitting PR’s!) up until the day before I gave birth to my daughter, and I steadfastly believe this played a pivotal role in a smooth and easy delivery. I’ve since delved headfirst into fitness and health to become a certified nutrition coach with a focus on supporting simpler approaches to healthy eating for those juggling busy schedules, multiple kids, and more. I love helping others achieve their goals and find the things they love about fitness, health, and wellbeing.

Motivation & Passion

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