Monday 1/2/23

CrossFit 7x7
January 1, 2023
Monday 1/2/23

A) Front squat deload


Superset with 6/side seesaw db bench/floor press + 12 double db/kb bent over rows (controlled tempo)

*Set of 10 is with the empty barbell or very easy weight. Then add weight as desired each set as the reps go down. Since this is a deload week, no need to push the weight too much.

B) “Wallball Practice Week 1 of 6”

100 wallballs for time in 10 sets of 10. Rest as needed between sets to keep unbroken sets of 10.

*8 minute time cap

Rx: (20/14lb) to 10/9 ft target
If you are very good at wallballs, as soon as you drop the ball, let it settle and then pick it right back up. If this will be easy, use a heavier wallball or go to a higher target.

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