Monday 5/8/23

CrossFit 7x7
May 13, 2023
Monday 5/8/23

A) Every 90 seconds for 7 sets:

3 touch and go power snatches

*Build to a heavy technical touch and go triple

B) 4 rounds for total time:

Rest 1 minute after each round

10 touch and power snatch (95/65lb) + 12 box jump overs (24/20")

*11 minute time cap

**Scaling option: 75/55lb snatches

***Rx+: 12 + 12 if you can stay unbroken on snatches at least for the first half of the workout

C) 9 minute lower body accessory alt. EMOM:

1) 5/side front foot elevated goblet split squats (control down, fast up)

2) 10 goblet cossack squats (modify to unweighted)

3) 5 tempo goblet squats (3331)

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