Saturday 5/6/23

CrossFit 7x7
May 13, 2023
Saturday 5/6/23

Partner WOD

17 minute AMRAP:

Partner A rows for max calories while partner B completes:

5 squat cleans (135/95lb) + 8 bar over burpees + 5 push jerks + 8 bar over burpees

Once partner B completes their round, switch

@ minute 17:

200 wallballs (20/14lb)  for time

Partners must switch off every 20 reps (no less, no more)

*32 minute time cap

*RX+: 155/105LB

**Squat cleans can be done in quick drop and go singles and push jerks should be done unbroken

***Two scores for part A: Max cals rowed and total rounds completed

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