Thursday 5/18/23

CrossFit 7x7
May 17, 2023
Thursday 5/18/23

A) Every 3:30 minutes for 5 sets (17.5 minutes):

4.3.2 back squat

*Perform 4 back squats. Rack the weight. Rest 10-15 seconds. Then perform 3 back squats. Rack the weight. Rest 10-15 seconds. Then perform 2 back squats. 

**Progressively build over the 5 sets. Sets 1 and 2 will be lighter. Sets 3-5 should be at a more challenging weight where the last rep of each set is a struggle and the double at the end is hard.

B) 10 minute AMRAP:

12 kb snatch (6/side)(44-53lb/26-35lb)

12 box jumps (24/20")

12 V-ups

*Modification: db hang snatch

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