A) Every 3:00 minutes for 6 sets (18 minutes):
3.2.1. back squat
*Perform 3 back squats. Rack the weight and rest 10-15 seconds. Perform 2 back squats. Rack the weight and rest 10-15 seconds. Perform 1 back squat.
**Sets 1-3 light to moderate weight. Sets 4-6 challenging weight.
B) 12 minute ascending AMRAP:
1 wall walk
2 clusters (115/75lb)
Run 150m
2 wall walks
4 clusters
Run 150m
3 wall walks
6 clusters
Run 150m
4 wall walks
8 clusters
Run 150m……
*Continue ascending by 1 wall walk and 2 clusters until time is up. Run always stays the same.
*Modifications: Partial wall walks or inchworm to push-up
**A cluster is a clean into a thruster, so every rep starts from the ground