Tuesday 9/12/23

CrossFit 7x7
September 11, 2023
Tuesday 9/12/23

A) 15 minute alt. EMOM (3 rounds):

1) 5-10 strict HSPU

2) 30 seconds max reps kipping toes to bar

3) 30 second handstand hold

4) 30 seconds max reps kipping toes to bar

5) rest


Strict HSPU: Up to 25lb plate + abmat riser. Pike push-ups. Assisted pike push-ups with band around hips hanging from rig.

TTB: Kipping heels above hips, further modify to kipping knees to chest

HS hold: Wall facing instead of kicking up. Plate overhead hold.

B) 10 x 1 minute on 1 minute off:

Max calorie row

*Can perform this as a partner WOD. Row for exactly a minute each round. Accumulate total cals.

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