Monday 6/26/23

CrossFit 7x7
June 26, 2023
Monday 6/26/23

A) Every 3 minutes for 5 sets:

3 pause back squats @65%+ 1RM

*3 second pause at bottom of each rep

**Superset with 3-4 seated box jumps

B) 4x2 minutes on 1 minute off:

Round 1: 14 power snatch (75/55lb) + 14 box jumps (24/20)" then max bar facing burpees in remaining time

Round 2: 12 power snatch + 12 box jumps then max bar facing burpees in remaining time

Round 3: 10 power snatch + 10 box jumps then max bar facing burpees in remaining time

Round 4: 8 power snatch + 8 box jumps then max bar facing burpees in remaining time

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