Tuesday 9/5/23

CrossFit 7x7
September 9, 2023
Tuesday 9/5/23

A) 12 minute alt EMOM (4 rounds):

1) 10 bandy straight arm lat pulldowns (slight pause at bottom of each rep)

2) 5 strict tempo pull-ups (1 second pause at top and bottom)

3) 8-10 barbell supinated grip bent over rows (135/95lb)

*Modify pull-ups to 3 reps of jump to chin over bar and slow 3 second negative

B) For time:

500m row

100m kb farmers carry (2x53/35lb)

30 double kb deadlifts

15 toes to bar

20 double kb deadlifts

15 toes to bar

10 double kb deadlifts

15 toes to bar

100m farmers carry

500m row

*17 minute time cap

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